Edit this entry (ID# 4):

Numbers may be given in scientific notation (e.g. 6.30e-7) if desired.
Fields marked * are required.

* Name of light source:
* Name of vendor selling or name of group using this source:
* Year of initial publication or catalog entry:
Primary application for which this source was developed:
References or URLs for relevant information on this source:1 
Similar to the following techniques:2 
* Email adddress of person entering this information:3 
Additional information / notes:
* Span of the spectrum covered, based on -10dB points [cm-1]:
* Time to cover this range [s]:
* Spectrum update repetition rate [Hz]:4 
* Center wavenumber [cm-1]:
* Spectral Resolution, best in scan [cm-1]:5 
* Power in TEM00, averaged over 1 s [mW]:
* Shortest time spent on 1 spectral resolution element [s]:
Worst spectral resolution in scan [cm-1]:
High-frequency RMS RIN:6 
Stability RIN:7 
Wavelength stability error [nm]:8 
* Physical dimension -- length [mm]:
* Physical dimension -- width [mm]:
* Physical dimension -- height [mm]:
Approximate system cost [US$]:
Associated image file:9 

1 Please separate multiple references with a line break.
2 This should be a comma-separated list of ID numbers of entries already cataloged that are similar to the one being entered.
3 Your email address is for our records only and will not be distributed or displayed on this site. We also use your email address to identify you as the owner of a particular entry, in the event that you wish to update it at a later date.
4 Count both scan directions if users typically use both
5 Based on FWHM (-3dB points)
6 Directions (how to measure RMS RIN):

  1. Record single-shot spectrum (time trace) of source, remove data points where power < 10% of max power.
  2. Calculate Bhi = 0.44 / (shortest time spent on 1 spectral resolution element [s]) and Blo = Bhi / 100.
  3. Low-pass filter (1) with a second-order Butterworth filter, bandwidth = Bhi.
  4. Low-pass filter (1) with a second-order Butterworth filter, bandwidth = Blo.
  5. Calculate result (3) / result (4).
  6. Calculate 1 - result (5).
  7. Calculate RMS(result(6)). This is the RMS RIN.

7 Directions (how to measure stability RIN):

  1. Record single-shot spectrum (time trace) of source, remove data points where power < 10% of max power.
  2. Repeat (1) for a spectrum produced by the laser 1 s later.
  3. Calculate Blo = 0.44 / (shortest time spent on 1 spectral resolution element [s]). (Same Blo as for RMS RIN)
  4. Filter (1) to Blo with a second-order Butterworth filter.
  5. Filter (2) to Blo with a second-order Butterworth filter.
  6. Calculate result (4) / result (5).
  7. Calculate 1 - result (6)
  8. Calculate RMS(result (7)), this is the stability RIN.

8 Here is the spirit of the wavelength stability error measurement:
For a swept source with a trigger at the beginning of the sweep, given only a) the trigger pulse and b) knowledge of the usual system performance,

  1. Predict the wavelength at various times after the trigger
  2. What is the worst discrepancy [nm] between the predicted wavelength and the actual wavelength?

The actual number is likely to be calculated or estimated another way, which is fine.
9 Currently, we only accept JPEG, GIF, and PNG formats. File size is limited to 256KB. Although we only allow the upload of a single image per entry at this time, we welcome you to put URLs for additional images in the references and additional info fields. We will verify any uploaded images before they are allowed to appear on this site. Due to security features implemented in most browsers, you will have to reselect the file after an attempted submission that returns an error from the server (an error that is not displayed in a popup).