Name of light source: | pololo |
Name of vendor selling or name of group using this source: | slerrr |
Year of initial publication or catalog entry: | 1990 |
Span of the spectrum covered, based on -10dB points [cm-1]: | 3 |
Time to cover this range [s]: | 2 |
Spectrum update repetition rate [Hz]: | 2 |
Center wavenumber [cm-1]: | 1 |
Center wavelength [nm]: | 10000000 |
Spectral Resolution, best in scan [cm-1]: | 1 |
Power in TEM00, averaged over 1 s [mW]: | 1 |
Shortest time spent on 1 spectral resolution element [s]: | 1 |
Worst spectral resolution in scan [cm-1]: | 1 |
Physical dimension -- length [mm]: | 2 |
Physical dimension -- width [mm]: | 3 |
Physical dimension -- height [mm]: | 4 |
Data rate [S/s]: | 6.0E-7 |
Duty cycle [%], based on -10dB points: | 400% |
Best spectral resolution [GHz]: | 30 |
Best spectral resolution [nm]: | 10000000 |
Longest coherence length [cm]: | 1 |
Spectral tracking linearity [%]: | 150% |
Spectral coverage [nm]: | 30000000 |
Size [m3]: | 2.4E-8 |
Initial entry time: | 2011-09-19 17:51:23 |
Last modified time: | 2011-09-19 17:51:23 |
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