A database of molecular spectra accurate to high temperatures and pressures


PI:        Scott T. Sanders, Assistant Professor, UW-Madison, ssanders@engr.wisc.edu

Engine Research Center, Department of Mechanical Engineering, UW-Madison

12 September 2006



This whitepaper presents an aggressive program designed to revolutionize the understanding and implementation of gas molecular spectra, particularly at high temperatures and/or high pressures.


Members of the Engine Research Center plan to team with other experts (e.g., spectroscopic modelers) in this effort.  Contact Prof. Sanders if you are interested in joining the effort.




Spectral ‘appetizers’:

The below plots compare measured and simulated ν13 H2O vapor spectra showing:

Discrepancies in line positions and strengths

Discrepancies in spectral broadening


Why is this database important?

Such applications span many fields including chemistry, astronomy, biology, physics, and engineering.


Approximate minimum budget:

Equipment (1000-20,000 nm range)


Additional equipment (200-1000 nm)


Experimental facility setup


Cost per species per octave in temperature; full pressure range, mostly personnel time


Cost per species; full temperature and pressure range, mostly personnel time



$140k + $33k/species IR

$190k + $33k/species UV-IR


For more information contact Prof. Sanders, ssanders@engr.wisc.edu


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